Pheasant Kiev is an economical and tasty dish that suits family suppers during the winter months

Pheasant Kiev always comes to the fore when game is in abundance. There is no need to even look at a sadly reared supermarket chicken, and don’t even think of buying them ready made. They will be full of nasties and taste miserable.

This pheasant kiev recipe is homely, simple fare that satisfies the soul, but that is quick(ish) to make, and, above all, reasonable in cost. It is probably one of the most child friendly of our top 10 best pheasant recipes. It solves all the problems of dryness which almost guarantees the kids will eat it, too. If not try them with the parmesan pheasant beast with crispy ham or make the very best pheasant stock and soup recipe and use it as a base for a wholesome supper.


Serves 4
4 pheasant breasts, preferably ones that have not faced a storm of ack-ack
6 cloves garlic
Large bunch flat leaved parsley
Zest of 1 lemon
200g (7oz) butter, softened
4 tbsp flour
2 eggs
200ml (7fl oz) milk
200g (7oz) dried, even breadcrumbs
2 litres (31⁄2 pints) vegetable oil

Pheasant kiev is the most yummy way I know to serve pheasant. The awesome, garlic-laden butter inside oozes out and the armour of breadcrumbs keeps the meat deliciously juicy.
Start by removing the little fillet from the breast, otherwise this will detach itself during cooking and break the armour of breadcrumbs, causing disaster. Next, make a pocket in the thick part of the breast with a small sharp knife.
Chop the garlic and parsley roughly then pop them in a food processor and whizz until they are really finely chopped. Add the lemon zest, then the softened butter. Whizz again. Lay a sheet of cling film on a work surface and spoon the mess on to it. Squidge it out, then roll the thing up into a tight sausage and tie the ends. Pop in the fridge until it sets. When set, cut slices off the sausage, and insert one into each pocket. Roll the breast in the flour, then in the egg/milk mixture (see recipe above), then finally in the crumbs. Be warned, this is the messiest process known to man.
Repeat the egg and crumb process, then heat the oil in a deep pan. When a breadcrumb fizzes upon entry, the oil is ready. Fry the kievs for seven minutes until golden. If they go brown the oil is too hot.
Drain them and let them rest for three minutes. Serve with green salad, game chips and mustard mayo.