There are more than 50 different varieties of mint in the UK and some imports from the USA, where a lot of breeding takes place. The newest import is Hilary Sweet Lemon, named after Hilary Clinton. Some of the more traditional mints are ginger, eau de cologne, black peppermint, pineapple, peppermint and spearmint. Also popular are apple, banana, basil, lavender, lime, orange and buddleia. Chocolate peppermint is a seller with its dark bronze leaves and its After Eight scent; Moroccan is ideal for making mint tea; and Corsican is a ground-hugger with small leaves and an extremely strong scent.

The Herb Nursery in Rutland supplies all of these mints and a large variety of wild ones. The majority of its plants are propagated and grown on site. The cost of a 9cm pot is £2.20. Contact The Herb Nursery, Thistleton, Nr Oakham, Rutland LE15 7RE, tel 01572 767658. Mint can also be ordered online from The National Herb Centre’s website,

Mint with rust should be cut off at ground level and the old leaves cleared away. Feed with high-nitrogen fertiliser.


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