Sporting adventures are thrilling, and whisking overseas just adds to the lustre. My sporting trips tend to result in enough material to perform a comedy skit, from boar hunting on…
Alexandra Henton

The Gleneagles Hotel – a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts
I spent our first dawn at The Gleneagles Hotel sodden, semi-sheltering under dripping trees as I prayed that the puppy would decide to pee. An hour later it became apparent…
Ratting with terriers. Which terrier is top?
Ratting with terriers – which terrier is best for the job? The Border terrier holds sway in the north while Parson Jack Russell’s terrier has a loyal following in the…
Rothay Manor: in the heart of the Lake District
Rothay Manor – good for Food Walking Dogs The Lake District has romance stitched into its reputation: those winsome trees perched atop a rocky outcrop stir even the stultified into…
How to clean your hip flask
The season is upon us and as the temperature drops, there’s nothing like a tot of something warming. But have you ever had a sip of your best brewed sloe…
What to wear for Cheltenham: gentlemen
Before we dive into our favourite pics of what to wear for Cheltenham, take a look at some of The Field‘s other’s indispensable guides including the best luxury country hats,…
Luxury: Country hats
Luxury hats: a cut above Before you read our guide to the best luxury country hats, be sure to take a look at other essential guides from The Field: What…
Best proposals in the field
See how the Field man plights his troth. Rural romance from sporting swains in the field.
Best cocktail making kit to mix with
The best cocktail making kit should be sleek, sophisticated and sublime. There is nothing better than a man who can handle his jigger.
The Barnsdale hotel review
For many of those who have grown up in or near Rutland, Barnsdale Lodge will long have been a fixture. In my memory it played host to a hunt bash…