Michael Yardley

Michael Yardley

Mike Yardley, the author of a dozen books and more than two million words of journalism, is one of the world’s best known writers on sporting guns and shooting technique. He’s a graduate of London University and Sandhurst. His books include: Positive Shooting, The Shotgun: An Instructor’s Handbook & Backing Into the Limelight and a biography of T.E.Lawrence. He has broadcast much on terror, made films on JFK and RFK for the Discovery Channel, and was a main contributor to the Oxford History of the British Army. He has 70,000+ Twitter followers. He is also on Facebook and Linked in.

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Blaser F16 Game 20-bore

This month’s test explores the new 20-bore Blaser F16 Game. Our specimen – weighing 7lb 6oz – has 30in barrels and fleur-de-lys steel proof for 3in chambers. The single selective…

high birds pheasant shooting

Here are 10 basic tenets to help you judge range and shoot high birds. (Read more on shooting high birds here.) 1.Make sure your gun fits well  A low comb…

pheasant shooting

Different types of birds need addressing differently and your forward allowance should vary accordingly. What is forward allowance? It is allowing for the forward movement of a bird – in…

side by side shotgun

The side-by-side shotgun has much to offer the modern gun and should not be dismissed. Side-by-side or over-and-under is no longer a choice between tradition and modernity. So, which should…

shooting stance

A good shooting stance is, quite literally, the foundation of sound technique. When you watch a line shooting, it is usually immediately apparent that some are standing well: in balance,…

Beretta DT11 Sporter

This month’s test gun is a Beretta DT11 Sport Black: one of the most popular high-level competition guns and used by both trap shooter Nathan Hales, who won the gold…