Michael Yardley

Michael Yardley

Mike Yardley, the author of a dozen books and more than two million words of journalism, is one of the world’s best known writers on sporting guns and shooting technique. He’s a graduate of London University and Sandhurst. His books include: Positive Shooting, The Shotgun: An Instructor’s Handbook & Backing Into the Limelight and a biography of T.E.Lawrence. He has broadcast much on terror, made films on JFK and RFK for the Discovery Channel, and was a main contributor to the Oxford History of the British Army. He has 70,000+ Twitter followers. He is also on Facebook and Linked in.

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Do you covet a matched pair of shotguns? Michael Yardley examines the shotguns on the market and what to do when you have your matched pair.

rifle shooting

Rifles: Should they be London best or mass-produced? Mike Yardley guides us through the very best rifles on offer

Fabarm Autumn Elite 20-bore

This gun review concerns a Fabarm Autumn Elite 20-bore: a 28in-barrelled, trigger-plate side-by-side with single selective trigger. It is a bells-and-whistles version of the firm’s Autumn model, with silver nitride…


Is your cherished old gun really worth restoring? Are you being overly sentimental about it? Would the money be better spent elsewhere? If you have decided to press ahead then…

Chapuis Armes Super Orion Artisan C140

The featured  gun this month is a Chapuis Armes Super Orion Artisan C140 sideplate, a fairly recent model from the firm and the sideplated version of the C135 (also an…

Smith & Torok .410

This test gun is a London-made 30in .410 side-by-side sidelock by Smith & Torok. It is made on the Purdey-Beesley self-opening system with a rounded action bar. Maker Alex Torok…


To think too much at the wrong moment and stop mid-swing or as you pull the trigger, may be noted as amongst the cardinal sins in shooting (breaches of safety…

Beretta 687 EELL ‘Classic’

This review focuses on the aesthetically modified, version of the well-established and popular Beretta EELL over-and-under. Designated the 687 EELL ‘Classic’, the gun under the spotlight is a 20-bore with…

Yildiz Pro 20-bore

The Yildiz Pro 20-bore in depth This test looks at a type of gun that I have long used for much of my own game shooting: a 32in 20-bore over-and-under.…