A lightweight side-by-side ejector this modest shotgun is handy. Great for walked up game for driven partridge
Michael Yardley
Purdey 20-Bore Sporter
A fine over-and-under shotgun made with Pergugini & Visini, this sporting gun is still a Purdey
Verney Carron Sagittaire 20-bore shotgun review
A 20 bore over-and-under from French gunmakers Verney Carron
Beretta 692 Sporter review
Beretta's best-shooting sporting gun to date proves the Italian gunmaker remains on top form
William Powell Marquis 20-bore
This 20-bore side-by-side sidelock ejector from William Powell shoots splendidly, thanks to good design coupled with gunmaking that’s sound in all departments
Modern Airguns
The modern airgun is a sophisticated tool and the weapon of choice for professional vermin control. Perfect for shooting magpies and rabbits around the garden
Lightweight Guns
If your shotgun is lighter is it easier to shoot or should game shots follow clay shooters by choosing a heavier gun whether it's a 12-bore or 20-bore?
Westley Richards 16-bore
This side-by-side droplock shotgun by Westley Richards is a lightweight 16-bore and sweet to shoot
Beretta Jubilee 12-bore gun review
Mike Yardley immediately feels comfortable with the Beretta Jubilee 12-bore. He considers the Beretta Jubilee 12-bore the best of the 600 series.
Percy Stanbury’s Webley & Scott review
THE FIELD tests Percy Stanbury's own 12-bore Webley & Scott shotgun, silver ovals recording Stanbury's many championship wins crowd the gun's stock