Potted pigeon is as delicious as it is versatile. A great way to use up the birds lurking in the freezer, it is undoubtedly best served on toast with a…
The Field
March 2016
Save Britain’s Jack Russells – the fight to keep them mutts; falling, with grace – hunting’s spectacular tumbles; what birds really see – avian quarry’s ultraviolet vision; PIGEON SPECIAL –…
Brightwells to hold hunt horse end-of-season sale
Brightwells are to incorporate an end-of-season sale of hunters and hunt horses as part of their popular Malvern Sport & Riding Horse Sale. Don’t miss your chance to present and…
Best stalking bags. The kit to not be without
The best stalking bags are invaluable equpiment for a day on the hill. Dominic Griffith seeks out the best on the market. On the market for a new rifle? Read…
Pigeon shooting in the UK
Morton Jack goes pigeon shooting around the UK, in Oxfordshire, Cheshire, Devon and Suffolk
Hens N Guns naked charity calendar 2016
The hens and guns naked charity calendar 2016 is a popular choice with those who choose banging over bucking. For the equine inclined the Old Berks Hunt naked charity calendar…
Volvo XC90 D5 Momentum: majestic on road
The Volvo XC90 D5 Momentum follows the much loved original XC90, which was in production for over a dozen years selling in the hundreds of thousands. A hard act to…
The Jack Russell Terrier: keep them mutts
Jack Russell Terriers have been long and much loved by the sporting world for being the feistiest little working dog. But with the Kennel Club recognising them as a pedigree…
The 2016 One Fly Festival to come to the UK
The 2016 One Fly Festival is set to arrive in the UK on the 21 April for one night only with the Fly Fishing Film Tour premiering the best fly…
Pheasants of the world. Protecting their future
Pheasants of the world can be easily forgotten when we become too accustomed to just one kind on our shores. But the World Pheasant Association are working tirelessly to ensure…