The Field

Roasted root vegetable & pomegranate salad.10 best salad recipes.

Roasted root vegetable salad with pomegranate is a superlative addition to the salad smorgasbord. With the extra garnishing of toasted macadamia nuts and pomegranates, this salad is filling without being…

Lobster, grapefruit and fennel salad. 10 best salad recipes.

Lobster, grapefruit and fennel salad is an elaborate dish; the sour grapefruit contrasts well with the richness of the lobster making the salad rich in taste with a zesty contrast.…

Chorizo, squash and couscous salad. 10 best salad recipes.

Chorizo, squash and couscous salad with extra coriander, chilli and lemon is a hearty choice. And will go particularly well with butterflied venison. I started making this dish when I…

Under the Overalls naked charity calendar 2015

The Under the Overalls naked charity calendar is a little different from the usual comely country beauties raising money for charity. They come from the land Down Under. But sneak…

How to find the correct deerstalking hat.

The correct deerstalking hat is a crucial accessory for any stalker. Spot a hunter stood against the edge of a misty woodline and it is apparent that the correct deerstalking…

Yorkshire drop with peaches and a butterscotch sauce

Yorkshire drop is a cross between a clafoutis and a Yorkshire pudding. Tried one? We hadn’t until but this delicious Peach Yorkshire drop with butterscotch sauce is the perfect place…

How to judge pectin levels in fruit.

Knowing how to judge pectin levels in fruit is crucial when it comes to perfecting your jam. Not only do different fruits have different amounts of pectin, these levels can…

How to shoot grouse. Grouse on the wing.

How to shoot grouse well is what those heading to the moor for the first or fourtieth time always keep in mind. No one stands in the butt without some…