The Field

How to repair your corkscrew.

Knowing how to repair your corkscrew is crucial to keep the party going. Nothing is worse than a man without his most important appendage. And if the corkscrew belonged to…

Strawberries poached in Napoleon brandy

Strawberries poached in Napoleon brandy are indulgent without being cloying. A fresh and slightly exotic take on our standard summer time fruit. For something rather more time consuming try Andrew…

Scots Greys at the Battle of Waterloo

The Scots Greys and Waterloo stand firmly together in the memory. The paintings, the Ensign, the Greys; some consider their carge the turning point of the Battle of Waterloo. They…

June dates for the diary. Dressed for racing

Here are The Field’s essential June dates for the diary. Flaming June may have started stormy, but it does herald the advent of the summer season. Time to scrub down…

Atlantic salmon

The Atlantic Salmon trust are heading towards their 50th year. Robbie Douglas Miller takes the opportunity to reflect on what is happening to our salmon, and where the future lies…

June cover of the field magazine.

Battle of Waterloo – our guns, horses and heroes; top 10 gunsmiths – the master craftsmen for repair work; addicted to salmon – why the hard core fish in Iceland;…

Peppered salmon with saffron potatoes and spiced broth.

The top 7 best spring recipes recommended by The Field this season will encourage you to make the most of the foods in season. As spring draws on and we…

A gun by Bertrand Piraube.

Bertand Piraube was a gunmaker working in France in the seventeenth century. As part of our series on historical hunting weapons, Mark Murray-Fletcher explains the birth of an exquisite piece.…

Best vintage fly tying books. Daniel's Rural Sports

The best vinatge fly tying books are not tomes that need to be dragged down from dusty shelves. These books may have been published in 1800 but are free to…