The Field

Use this in our devilled pheasant recipe

Devilling means covering the meat with spices and flavours before cooking. This devilled pheasant recipe opts for ginger, curry powder and mustard powder

Top 10 best pheasant recipes

Pot roast pheasant can be delicious. Fennel is not to everyone's taste, but it melts into a buttery stickiness when cooked in this recipe. Try it.

The Top 10 best pheasant recipes need the right game to start with...

The pheasant Normandy recipe is a classic. And if you have a bottle of Calvados in the house then don't think twice. Splash it in and set it alight for…

The Field October 2014 cover

The Field brings the best of fieldsports and country life to you every month. The October issue is brimming with advice on driven partridge, slinky kit for lady guns, ratting…

September 2014 cover

The September 2014 issue of The Field

The Field commemorates the Great War in the August 2014 issue

The Field’s Great War – how the countryside did its bit; snorkel stalking – hunting bass with our top spearfishers; grouse over dogs – the eternal poetry of pointers, guns…