Watch how the ultimate pigeon expert, Archie Coats, bagged his birds
The Field
Heagren shoots off with a Morgan
Stiff clay-pigeon shooting competition at Royal Berkshire Shooting School
Holt’s to auction Grifnee-engraved gun
Finely engraved Auguste Francotte side-by-side 12-bore to be auctioned at Holt's in March
Purdey bicentenary trio of guns
Purdey presents a special commemorative 'trio' of guns to mark its bicentenary
Country House library, back in fashion
The Country House library, I am surprised to report, is a room with a future. For the surprise is this: among rich owners in the countryside, the country house library…
Video: The brilliant French and Saunders go riding
This classic French and Saunders clip will ring a bell with equestrian Field readers
Video: ringnecked pheasant
With different strains of pheasant common on shoot days, take a close look at the ringnecked pheasant
Shooting Industry Awards 2014: nominate your favourite gunshop or shooting ground
Nominate your favourite shooting ground or gunshop and you will be entered into a free prize draw
The new Boxall & Edmiston 20 bore over and under
Boxall & Edmiston's latest shotgun is ready to be seen at the British Shooting Show
OUT NOW: February 2014 issue of The Field
The Field is bound to beat the winter blues. The February issue is now on sale.