We have a tired and battered billiard table which we would like to have re-baized and restored for our growing grandchildren. The table has been stored in a barn with…
The Field
Oak Disease in Charnwood
Charnwood forest oaks are dying as Forestry Commission tree pathologists search for the cause.
The water of life by the hogshead
With Burns' Night looming, The Field investigates the pleasures of buying your own cask of malt whisky - enough to water a whole herd of haggis
See the real swan lake
The flighting and feeding of thousands of wild birds is a spectacle not to be missed. David Tomlinson takes a look at where you can go bird-watching in a winter…
Dreaming of a white-fronted Christmas
Frozen dawns in the wrong place, skeins too high, too far – years passed before Tideliner finally bagged his first white-front for the festive table.
Shooting is the future for Conservation
If there's one thing farmers love more than £180/ton for wheat, it's game-shooting. It's this love that will keep conservation features
Foxy pantos
Katie Dashwood meets the hunt supporters who are raising money – and pulses – with show-stopping performances.
Grouse, woodcock, snipe and pheasant at Raby
Grouse, woodcock, snipe, pheasant, everything a discerning gun could want, in Upper Teesdale. This is a "proper back end day" with a mixed bag to dream about.
Partridge shooting: a French saviour
Jaques Hicter has 80 English partridge per square kilometre in Picardy as well as good crop yealds. He shares the secret of his success with The Field.
How to make lavender sugar
Last year I dusted my mince pies with vanilla sugar, which I had made myself. Earlier this year I read an article saying that lavender sugar was also good, but…