Britain’s farmers caretake an enormous amount of our countryside, and inevitably there comes a time when their resourcefulness and aptitude for engineering comes to the fore. Our farmers acting as…
The Field
Fruitcake facts: what you didn’t know…
Fruitcake facts are a little known subject, but will come in handy over Christmas. Whether you are swotting-up for the local Christmas quiz or simply want to impress, take your…
Christmas Stilton: true blue and toothsome
A Christmas cheeseboard is guaranteed to go down a treat. And there’s only one essential – the Christmas Stilton. But despite it’s popularity, it remains a misunderstood cheese. Read Hattie…
Holly: it wears the crown
There’s no symbol more synonymous with Christmas than holly. Every December the dark-green, spiky leaves and bright red berries are everywhere. They feature in our songs, on our Christmas cards…
The 12 Field days of Christmas
Christmas is all the more jolly for the sporting opportunities it brings. Whether you are headed for a boxing day shoot or hunt meet, feeding the family on game from…
How to clean silver well
It may be one of those Christmas tasks you are keen to delay, but learning how to clean silver well is essential ahead of the festive lunch. There is much…
How to cook a three-bird roast
Skip the standard turkey and dreaded dryness with an impressive roast fit for royalty this Christmas. The same turkey can get repetitive, so learn how to cook a three-bird roast…
Bread sauce croquettes. Canapés from the Christmas leftovers
If you always make more bread sauce than necessary to avoid a Christmas meltdown, it can be tricky to think of uses for the leftovers. While it’s easy to use…
January 2018
The joys of rough shooting – hunting hedgerows for wild birds; boom of the punt gunners – wildfowling’s golden era; grouse moors and the curlew – the British Trust for…
Chocolate and Christmas pudding fridge cake
Don’t forget about the pud when the time comes to use up the Christmas leftovers. You may be planning turkey sandwiches and curries – but the Christmas pud can be…