We help a reader with tips on how to perk up droopy tulips to give these cheering spring flowers a new lease of life


What can I do about droopy tulips? We are very fortunate to have a super collection of different varieties of tulips in our new garden. However, I find that they do not seem to last long when cut for the house. Can you suggest ways to prevent them looking rather sad so quickly? It seems such a shame that they are so short lived.


Firstly, remove any droopy tulips that are too far gone, plus any excess foliage. Next, cut a good 1/2in off the bottom of all the stems and wrap them together in newspaper so the paper is above the heads of the flowers. Fill a large jug or vase with really cold water and place the paper-wrapped tulips in the container. The higher up the water comes up, the better, ideally just below the tulip heads. Leave for an hour. Finally, remove the paper and the droopy tulips should be revived.

Other ways of preventing tulips drooping

Cut flowers never thrive in dirty water, so make sure to change the water frequently. Further, try to place your tulips somewhere with plenty of sunshine but not close to a radiator or air-conditioning unit, if you have one.

Love spring flowers?

If you enjoyed this feature, read our article about daffodils. Or click here to learn about growing flowers for cut arrangements in the house. If you’re a tulip fan, you may be interested to read Anna Pavord’s book The Tulip: The Story of a Flower That Has Made Men Mad.