For the photoshoot for the lead image in our June feature on side saddle hunting, Emma Brown, a Leicestershire side saddle authority, organised two more Quorn thrusters, Hazel Allin and Philippa Wells, to ride side saddle for our photographer.


With the kind permission of a local Monday country farmer a hedge was picked and the ladies prepared to show the camera what hunting in Leicestershire side saddle is all about.


The pictures were commissioned by The Field, and taken by Nico Morgan.

Emma Brown ready to be legged up

A spot of dutch courage to get in hedge hopping mood

What the side saddle looks like…

And what’s underneath the side saddle habit…

modelled by Hazel Allin on Finbar


Philippa Wells and Thomas ready to go jumping side saddle

Side saddle to the first hedge

Side saddle, from left to right: Philippa Wells on Thomas, Emma Brown on Harry, Hazel Allin on Finbar

Side saddle over best Leicestershire hedges, side saddle thrusters

Video footage of the side saddle riders in action

Emma Brown side saddle on Harry

Hazel Allin side saddle on Finbar

Philippa Wells side saddle on Thomas

The Quorn hunt ladies on the wonk

Job done…

Going home…