If there's one thing farmers love more than £180/ton for wheat, it's game-shooting. It's this love that will keep conservation features
Foxy pantos
Katie Dashwood meets the hunt supporters who are raising money – and pulses – with show-stopping performances.
Grouse, woodcock, snipe and pheasant at Raby
Grouse, woodcock, snipe, pheasant, everything a discerning gun could want, in Upper Teesdale. This is a "proper back end day" with a mixed bag to dream about.
Partridge shooting: a French saviour
Jaques Hicter has 80 English partridge per square kilometre in Picardy as well as good crop yealds. He shares the secret of his success with The Field.
Shoot for the stars with astronomy courses
Astronomy need not be above your head. Learn to light up your winter nights with a trek through the galaxy. Just don't expect to become a star-crossed lover!
Fishing a trouty trove
The rivers around Lake Rotoroa in New Zealand possess monster brown that provide some of the best fishing in the world.
Green and renewable wood fuel
Wood fuel is a green and renewable way to heat your home and water, better yet, it is cheap too.
Billingsgate Seafood Training School Courses
Nick Fisher, the fishing writer and broadcaster, attended the "Knife Skills – An Introduction to Fish Processing Public Course".
Mike Robinson’s cookery courses
Mike Robinson, The Field's cookery writer, concentrates on the wild harvest at his Game and Wild Food Cookery School near his Pot Kiln pub, just outside Yattendon in Berkshire.
Katie Dashwood’s cookery courses
From kitchen devil to domestic deity, all a man needs to know to cut a dash in his own dining-room.