Britain produces a wealth of excellent cheeses and we should all be using them in our kitchens, says Philippa Davis. This pheasant schnitzel burger with British-style brie will put a…
Butter pheasant and cabbage
Warming game suppers are exactly what is needed for these dark, January nights. Philippa Davis’ butter pheasant and cabbage makes an excellent supper for two. Cabbage was considered a luxury…
Cabbage ‘burrito’ with partridge spicy slaw
Cabbage was considered a luxury by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, but today is has a humbler reputation. Philippa Davis’ cabbage ‘burrito’ with partridge spicy slaw is a fun,…
Partridge stroganoff with buttered pappardelle pasta
Game suppers don’t have to take an age to prepare, says Philippa Davis. This partridge stroganoff with buttered pappardelle pasta can be ready within 20 minutes. And yet it is…
Pheasant nachos
Many of our favourite ways to cook game takes time, but a pheasant supper doesn’t have to mean slaving in the kitchen for hours on end. Philippa Davis’ pheasant nachos…
Pheasant chow mein
Many of the best ways to cook game are slow suppers, admits Philippa Davis. But this pheasant chow mein will on the table within just 15 minutes. From warming kitchen…
Mini pheasant and blackberry jam pies
Package up these mini pheasant and blackberry jam pies and pocket them for the peg, suggests Philippa Davis. Or they are an excellent addition to afternoon tea. For more bite-sized…
Partridge spring rolls with plum sauce
Whether you are new to cooking or eating game, partridge is an excellent place to start. Philippa Davis’ partridge spring rolls with plum sauce show how versatile this super little…
Partridge, black pudding and sloe gin terrine
Partridge is small, forgiving and the easiest game to cook of them all. So it is excellent for a little experimentation. We recommend Philippa Davis’ partridge, black pudding and sloe…
Venison wraps with roasted red pepper and aubergines
This season will call for innovative shoot lunches, but there’s no need to let social distancing spoil the occasion. Picnics are pandemic compliant, says Philippa Davis. So try these venison…