Serves 12

For the mousse
■ 400g (14oz) very good dark
chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
■ 100ml (31⁄2fl oz) warm water
■ 6 eggs, separated
■ 90g (3oz) caster sugar
■ 1 tbsp dark rum ( optional)
For the honeycomb
■ 4 tbsp golden syrup
■ 200g (7oz) caster sugar
■ 1 tbsp water
■ 3 tsp bicarb

A real contender for the top slot on list of favourite puddings is the great classic, dark-chocolate mousse.

I top this silky-smooth imp with crunched up honeycomb for pure devilment.

Break the chocolate into small pieces and put it and the warm water in a glass bowl. Place over a pan of just-simmering water, and melt slowly; don’t stir too much. Remove from the heat and work it with a wooden spoon until it is perfectly smooth.

Wait a little while to allow the heat to go down, then stir in the egg yolks, mixing well. Meanwhile, whisk the whites into soft peaks.

Then add the sugar in several stages, whisking all the while. The result should be stiff, glossy peaks.

Fold a little of the egg white into the chocolate using a metal spoon or spatula. Then fold in the rest (in the restaurant we do this gently with a big steel whisk, which folds and cuts the whites in without collapsing them). Finally add the rum. Spoon the mousse into glasses and chill.

Have a big tin greased and ready.

The honeycomb is easy to make, but be careful because it is very dangerous to touch when hot. Heat the syrup, sugar and water gently in a pot, and then boil them.

When the syrup is dropped into cold water and goes brittle it is ready for you to add the bicarb. The syrup will froth and expand. Put it straight into the tin to set.

Serve with the mousse for a pudding that will delight kids and adults alike.