Caroline Bankes trumpets the flowers' beauty and season.


Daffodils are the first signs of colour in the garden after the drab winter. That other spring favourite, rhubarb, is also creaking pinkly out of the ground at the same time. (You might also like to read: why narcissi are real stars of spring.)

Daffodil Society

From early March until April growers compete at shows across the country. The oldest of these shows is run by The Daffodil Society. The first daffodil show was held at the Edgbaston Botanical Gardens on 13 and 14 April, 1899. Professional and amateur growers travelled from all over the UK to take part.

The society was originally known as the Midland Daffodil Society when set up in July 1898 by Robert Sydenham, a prominent businessman, at the suggestion of Professor William Hillhouse, secretary of the Birmingham Botanical and Horticultural Society.

“From the outset, the society attracted new members, supporters and exhibitors from all corners of the British Isles and visitors from all over the world came to view the annual shows,” said Jan Dalton in his centenary history of the society.

The heralds of spring

Unfashionable yellow

In 1909 the Daffodil King, Peter Barr, visited the show just before he died. Daffodils had fallen out of favour during the mid-Victorian period. Yellow was an unfashionable colour and gardeners considered the daffodil too easy to grow. His company, Barr & Sons, is credited with reviving the daffodil’s fortunes, finding new and forgotten varieties from around the world.

Today daffodils are judged on form, freshness, colour and the stem. Presentation and balance are also taken into consideration.

For professional bulb growers the Cartwright Challenge Cup and the Bourne Cup are the most coveted prizes.

Rare bulbs can fetch £100 and new varieties take many years to multiply. “We’re all working on breeding white daffs with orange cups because there aren’t any,” says a spokesperson.

This article was originally published in 2015 and has been updated.