The Prince’s Countryside Fund Land Rover Bursary 2016 has just launched for its third year and is on the hunt for five inspiring young people living and working in the…
How to tackle anti-hunting social media
Anti-hunting sentiment is nothing new, but the medium of social media ramps up the vitriol to unscaled, and altogether unpleasant, new heights. Following the weekend where a tragic accident in…
BBC exclude gunmakers from Countryfile show
UPDATE 31/03/16: Countrylive File! has announced it is not an anti-shooting show. Read the story on Shooting UK. The Field and Country Fair, 10-12 June 2016, is looking forward to…
Brightwells to hold hunt horse end-of-season sale
Brightwells are to incorporate an end-of-season sale of hunters and hunt horses as part of their popular Malvern Sport & Riding Horse Sale. Don’t miss your chance to present and…
Holt’s Auctioneers: rare guns for sale
Holt’s will be auctioning a number of rare sporting guns and rifles on Thursday 10 December. In their auction of fine modern and antique guns there will be a wide…
Royal guns for sale at Sotheby’s
There will be a clutch of royal guns for sale at Sotheby’s this December. Gavin Gardiner Ltd’s sale of Modern & Vintage Sporting Guns & Rifles will include rare guns…
Book an exciting Dove Shooting Holiday with The Field
The Field has partnered with David Denies, whose family of lodges has delivered Argentina’s many shooting treasures to sportsmen from around the world for over 30 years.
CLA cancels the Game Fair
The CLA Game Fair is no more. A statement released today by the CLA has announced that the planned event at Ragley Hall in 2016 has been cancelled. The show…
Holt’s Auctioneers: Walking With The Wounded charity shoot
Holt’s Auctioneers: Walking With The Wounded managed to raise over £30,000 last month. Everybody was thrilled by the efforts. Holt’s Auctioneers is one of the world’s leading auction houses for…
Yorkshire drop with butterscotch sauce
Yorkshire drop is a cross between a clafoutis and a Yorkshire pudding. Tried one? We hadn’t until but this delicious Peach Yorkshire drop with butterscotch sauce is the perfect place…