Tweed is The Field's uniform, and we love it in every variety. To celebrate here are our 2013 Tweed heroes


Jenny Copeland

Edward Seyfried

“On hound exercising in late summer with the Quorn and
drinking champagne – pretty much two out of my three favourite things. I
also like the feel of tweed next to skin – especially when it isn’t mine..”

Amy Martin

At West Wycombe Park

James Clarke

“We now have a dress down policy of tweed only in the office on Friday”.

Eva Young (honourable mention, our youngest tweed-ette)

“I enjoy watching my JRT ratting and I
have been to the Races and out on the hunting field, although not on a pony
yet, and I take a keen interest in my Uncle’s shooting tales. Here I am wearing tweed to a wedding at three weeks old”.


Sophie Hunt

Self-confessed occasional be-tweeded shooting totty…

Nick Glaves

Wedding tweed

James Stimpson

In need of a jacket

Robert Oulton

Robert is an equine veterinarian grew up in hunting with the Annapolis Valley Hunt in Nova Scotia, Canada.

“Here I am with Lucy (ESS), and Abe (Mongrel/Terrier but
World’s best!). As my first
spaniel I have fallen in love with the breed and hope to get her in the field
this fall”.


Richard Harris

A shooting buff keen on tweed

Jonathan Fulford

On the Tweed Run

Katie Manners

Tweed and beagle, the perfect match

Jonathan McGee

Snapper in tweed

Karl Byrne

Festive tweed

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