The Field is a monthly glossy dedicated to those brave souls who shoot, fish and hunt way beyond the call of duty. Since 1853, its staff has selflessly brought its readers the cream of rural life, be it pheasant shooting, dry-fly fishing or the distinct merits of Cheval Blanc. If you love fieldsports, errant terriers and very foxy friends at hunt balls, The Field is for you.

Fishing the Atlantic surf during an exhilarating trip to Morocco

My years of angling adventures began in the Himalayas in 1989, when the fishing world was full of secrets and mystery. My last journeys to Mongolia and Tibet took place…

Spring turn out

The spring turn out In the Alps the seasonal droving of livestock from winter holdings in the valleys to summer mountain pastures is widely celebrated. Whilst the Alpine transhumance triggers…

Side-by-side shotgun

The choice between over and under or side by side shotgun will be forever open for debate. While tradition has favoured side by sides, an over and under will not…


Daffodils are the first signs of colour in the garden after the drab winter. That other spring favourite, rhubarb, is also creaking pinkly out of the ground at the same…