Falcon bird

Falconry is one of the fastest-growing country pursuits, with 25,000 people (5,000 of whom hunt with hawks) involved, who between them keep about 75,000 birds of prey. There are more…

grouse shooting wearing shooting gilets

Shooting gilets have become a staple of any countryman’s wardrobe. They are versatile, hardwearing, easy to wash and a staple of every country man (and woman’s) wardrobe. The best shooting…

Pheasant shooting

Whether you are an experienced Shot or a new Gun, everybody could do with some pheasant shooting tips.  So if you feel your technique isn’t quite as sharp as you’d…

The October issue of The Field sees the season get underway with a bang. It is brimming with carefully curated, exclusive content and the very best sporting articles. We’re on…

Traditional roast grouse recipe

Everyone who goes out in the field should have a traditional roast grouse recipe in their repertoire and The Field’s is a perennial favourite. So if you’ve achieved your first…

Pumpkin, venison and bean chilli

Pumpkin is not just for pies. The autumn favourite is versatile, as shown in this recipe for pumpkin, venison and bean chilli. (Read more of The Field’s autumnal recipes here.)…