The season begins with a bang in The Field’s bumper August issue. Serena Cross reports from a small but perfectly formed North Pennine grouse shoot combining the very best of…

Caesar Guerini Maxum Game Hybrid

This month we examine a new model in the Maxum range: the Caesar Guerini Maxum Game Hybrid, imported by Anglo Italian Arms. The gun is a 32in 20-bore weighing in…

haggis sausage rolls

Haggis sausage rolls Every year the day after our Burns Night feast we discuss how delicious haggis is and question why we don’t eat it more often. This irresistible haggis…

Birds around a bird feeder

Query There seems to be an abundance of crows eating from our bird feeder. Is there any way to stop this? I had been concerned about squirrels feasting but had…

The Field’s July issue is a bumper, double edition as it also includes a free copy of our inaugural The Field Junior, a stand-alone magazine aimed at readers aged eight…

Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus

The test gun this month is the latest Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus 12-bore semi-automatic with a distinctive green Cerakote stock, action and barrel finish. Boasting a 3½in chamber and 28in…

In the grey dawn of D-Day, 6 June 1944, 20-year-old Trooper Lawrence Burn’s 35-tonne DD (duplex-drive) Sherman tank, its flotation screen raised, edged down the ramp of the landing craft…

The Field’s June issue is a Best of British special; full to the brim with features championing this great isle, as well as our usual top-notch content. Allan Mallinson tells…

stalker's pie

One of our finest meats has to be wild venison. Full of flavour, it can be used in a range of recipes. Here I sauté the base of the Stalker’s…