Wheellock. Historical hunting weapons. Main mechanism

The wheellock transformed warfare and shooting. Its place in the history of the shotgun and shooting is confirmed. The new mechanism, in existence by about 1500, employed an enclosed, sprung…

Slow cooked lamb with sherry and saffron potatoes

Slow-cooked lamb is always delicious. And by cooking the potatoes a day in advance you won’t be tied to the kitchen when your guests arrive. This dish goes particularly well…

Dream Alliance

Dream Alliance is the extraordinary racehorse, who grew up on an allotment and went on to win the Welsh National. A film telling the true story of how a barmaid…

The Field May 2015 cover

GAME FISHING NUMBER From dusk ’til dawn on the river-bank – fishing after dark is magical; act now to save wild salmon – a plan to save the species; how…

Naked charity calendar 2015. Bare all 4 Bolty

The Bare All 4 Bolty naked charity calendar 2015 does exactly what it says on the tin. 18 undaunted ladies bared all to raise vital funds for brain tumour research,…

Krieghoff k-80 Parcours

This month’s test gun is a 32in Krieghoff K-80 Parcours over-and-under imported into the UK by Alan Rhone of Wrexham. Rhone is well known for his long-standing involvement with this…


Daffodils are the first signs of colour in the garden after the drab winter. That other spring favourite, rhubarb, is also creaking pinkly out of the ground at the same…

Retriever. A golden retriever

Retrievers don’t have to be labradors. The flatcoat was the Downton Abbey gundog and Edwardian gentleman’s favourite retriever. Every 10 years for the past four decades a friend has bought…

Pike recipe

A Victorian pike recipe is an obvious place to start a culinary introduction to this coarse fish. A pike recipe doesn’t have the ease and familiarity of our best trout…

Shooting bucketlist.

This shooting bucketlist will raise a shiver of excitement in all those who love to brandish their barrels. If you tick these off can you declare yourself a true Fielder?…