
Showing reviews 111–120 of 182

EJ Churchill Coronet over-and-under review

Mike Yardley struggles to fault the EJ Churchill Coronet over-and-under shotgun in his review: it is well designed, shoots well and offers value for money

Purdey 20-bore sporter review

A fine over-and-under shotgun made with Pergugini & Visini, this sporting gun is still a Purdey


Beretta's best-shooting sporting gun to date proves the Italian gunmaker remains on top form


Specialist Rifle Services in Gloucestershire will make you the rifle you want and a bespoke round to go with it

This 20-bore side-by-side sidelock ejector from William Powell shoots splendidly, thanks to good design coupled with gunmaking that’s sound in all departments

Modern airguns.

The modern airgun is a sophisticated tool and the weapon of choice for professional vermin control. Perfect for shooting magpies and rabbits around the garden