BASC's seasonal infographic showing the 'Glorious Twelve' benefits of grouse shooting. As the season beckons what better time to really understand what happens as a result of those days on the moor.


The benefits of grouse shooting are apparent to those of a Fieldy bent. The amalgamation of sport, conservation and food is linked to everything we do with gun or rod in hand. The benefits of grouse shooting are no different.

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has unveiled an infographic all about the benefits of grouse shooting. They have called it The “Glorious Twelve” benefits of Grouse Shooting. It coincides with the opening of the Red Grouse season on 12th August.

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Anyone grouse shooting this season should read this list of benefits. It is paramount that we can defend our sport coherently and BASC’s infographic is an intelligent way to present the benefits to all.


BASC’s infographic contains the following facts:

  • Heather moorland is “rarer than rainforest” with 75% found in Britain.
  • An estimated £100 million is spent in conservation by grouse moor owners and those who shoot grouse.
  • Much of this goes to control damaging diseases and invasive species.
  • 79% of the Pennines and North York moors Special Protection Areas are managed for grouse shooting.
  • Up to five times more threatened wading birds such as curlews are supported on moors managed for grouse shooting.
  • 90% of English grouse moors are within a National Park or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
  • Managing the heather essential for red grouse helps preserve and protect the UK’s biggest carbon store in the peat found on grouse moors.
  • 70% of the UK’s drinking water comes from the uplands that include managed grouse moors.
  • The equivalent of over 2,500 jobs are supported by grouse shooting in England, Wales and Scotland.
  • 40,000 people take part in grouse shooting every year with average shoot bringing together 40 people.
  • The risk of destructive upland wild fires can be reduced by the fire breaks created by controlled burning.
  • Grouse are an important source of healthy and delicious food.
BASC Glorious Twelve benefits infographic

BASC’s infographic illustrates the benfits of grouse shooting to the wider world.