Workhorse guns for under £10,000 Some guns simply punch above their weight when it comes to the equation of ‘price x performance’. These are the guns one finds oneself reaching…
Gun Reviews
World exclusive review of the Holland & Holland Noble
Whether it was the hammergun or breechloader, the round action or sidelock, innovation has always been at the heart of the gun trade. And when London best heritage and modern…
The top 12 most affordable shotguns
There is always room for a workhorse in the gun safe, and a stringent budget makes the addition easy. After some consideration, ours was drawn at £2,500. Some of the…
Our world exclusive review of the new Gallyon shotgun
We present to you a world exclusive review on the new Gallyon shotgun released this year. For more gun reviews from The Field please visit our gun reviews section or discover…
New Purdey Sporter to be made in-house in London
The new Purdey Sporter is set to be made entirely in London, with several new features including an exclusively developed anti-corrosion coating to protect against rust. The future of shooting…
Beretta 486 by Apple designer Marc Newson
When Apple designer Marc Newson isn’t, oh, designing Riva yachts, spaceships and top secret projects with Jonny Ive, he lent his delicate creative style to the oldest gun maker and…